
Billy Blanks

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One of my favorite activities to do is going to the gym. It is a great stress reliever and I enjoy it. I have been working out since I was 15. I would come home from school and do my Tae Bo tape. I can still hear Billy Blanks saying come on 8 more! Now, while I would go exercise my friends would go get fast food. I didn’t eat the healthiest in high school, but what high school student does? I continued to workout through college til now. I loved the rec center at Kent State. It had the Tredmills and ellipticals separate from the weights and it was big and open. I was determined not to gain the dreaded freshman 15, which I didn’t. College was when I started to watch more of what I ate and started eating better. I’m sure my nutrition classes helped too. I worked out all throughout my pregnancies up until the day I delivered. Now I go to the gym three days a week. I usually lift weights and do the elliptical. I would like to go more, so maybe I will work on that. There have been sometimes when I didn’t want to go workout, but I tell myself if after five minutes I still don’t want to be there then I’ll leave. Usually when I do that I end up staying for my whole workout. Exercising just makes me feel better. If I haven’t exercised in awhile I just am not in a good mood, ask my husband if you don’t believe me!
Many people will come up with any excuse not to exercise. “I’m too tired.” “I don’t have time.” “I don’t like to workout.” You don’t have to go to the gym to workout. Even if you walk, that counts as exercise. Exercising gives you more energy. So if you are tired try going for a little walk. No time? Make time! Nothing bad can come from exercising, except for maybe some sore muscles. I’ve had my fair share of torn tendons and sore muscles. I was in physical therapy for almost a year for torn tendons in my hips, butt and knee. It was from overuse and the fact that I didn’t stretch after working out. Needless to say I stretch now and haven’t had any problems since.
Go out and do something active today!